SanagShop thank you very much for choosing us. The return policy only applies to products purchased in the . For all items not purchased directly from SanagShop, please check the return policy of the place where you purchased the product.


If you are not satisfied with a product purchased directly from SanagShop, please follow the steps in this Returns Policy for a refund. SanagShop reserves the right to refuse any returns in cases involving excessive returns, violation of the terms of sale, suspected fraud or other impermissible activities.


To be eligible for a refund, you must:


Buy your products directly from SanagShop


If the product has not been used at all within 30 days after you receive it, and the product packaging is intact (including all accessories, boxes and parts included in the original packaging), you can contact customer service to apply for a return.


If the product is damaged to the point of being unusable during normal use within 30 days after you receive it, and the product is damaged due to non-human reasons, you must provide proof of product damage when applying. You can contact customer service to apply for a return.


If you do not contact customer service to apply for a return before returning the product, Sanag will reserve the right to return the product and provide a refund.


Upon receipt and confirmation of your return, SanagShop will refund or refund the purchase price of the returned product, subject to any reductions or exceptions specified in this Returns Policy. If you receive a discount for purchasing multiple items, a sale item, or a free item, and you do not return all of the items you purchased, Bose may deduct the value of the discount, sale item, or free item from the refund you receive.


If your return does not meet any of the conditions of this Return Policy, SanagShop may, at its sole discretion, refuse to accept the return.


If your product arrives damaged or you receive the wrong product, please contact customer service promptly: